Winners and losers over Nato summit in Newport 您所在的位置:网站首页 nato summit wales newport front page politics Winners and losers over Nato summit in Newport

Winners and losers over Nato summit in Newport

2023-08-19 17:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

There is one week to go before world leaders descend on Wales for the 2014 Nato summit at Newport's Celtic Manor.

A security "ring of steel" is already in place at keys sites in Cardiff and in Newport - some 12 miles (20km) of fencing with pedestrian access points.

Police say they must be ready to deal with demonstrations ahead of the event, with the first expected on Saturday.

More than 150 heads of state and ministers including US President Barack Obama will attend the two-day summit.

BBC Wales economics correspondent Sarah Dickins has been finding out what the summit might mean for our economy, both now and in the long term.






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